DayZ Standalone Wiki

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DayZ Standalone Wiki
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Duct tape
Duct Tape
A roll of duct tape found in DayZ.
Required slots: 1
Purpose: • Crafting
Location(s): • Residential • Industrial • Military
Rarity: Common
An adhesive tape created with cloth or a loosely woven material and laminated using polyethylene mixed with powdered aluminum. If it moves and should't, [sic] use Duct Tape.
— In-game description

Duct tape is a tool soon to be used as a crafting material in DayZ.

Duct tape occupies a single inventory slot and can be found in almost any loot spawn.

There have been hints that duct tape will have a large role in regards to crafting, but currently only be used to tape together two 30 round STANAG magazines to create a single 60 round STANAG and it can be used to tape together pieces of the map.

See also[]

Image gallery[]

Duct Tape A duct tape in pristine or worn condition.

Duck tape (badly damaged) A duct tape in damaged or badly damaged condition.
