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DayZ Standalone Wiki
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Status effects are the different physiological conditions experienced by the player's character in DayZ. Some statuses have multiple stages; others have only a single stage. Players are informed of their character status via status messages in the bottom left corner of the screen. NOTE FOR EDITORS:brain disease (brain flu) is now caused by cannibalism or eating a dead player and has different symptoms such as laughing or crying from your character so brain disease needs a review. thank you


There is only one stage of bleeding, but blood loss may differ based on the severity of the wound.

Causes • Bleeding can occur when:
  • Being hit by zombie(s)
  • Falling
  • Gunshot wound
  • Obtaining an infection
Symptoms • Blood can be seen visually spurting out of the player. • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "I feel warm blood on my clothes" This condition eventually causes all vision to white over, the world will appear more and more colorless. This condition will eventually render a player unconscious, then dead.
Treatment • This condition is cured by applying rags or a bandage.
Effects Lose blood
Status text Bleeding


Hunger transitions through three stages: hungry, very hungry and starving.


Causes • Energy below 600
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "I'm feeling hungry" "I feel hungry" "My stomach grumbles" "I want to eat something"
Treatment • This condition can be alleviated by consuming food or canned drinks.
Effects None
Status text Hungry

Very hungry[]

Causes • Energy below 300
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "I'm extremely hungry" "I'm starving" "My stomach grumbled violently"
Treatment • This condition can be alleviated by consuming food or canned drinks.
Effects None
Status text Hungry


Causes • Energy below 100
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "I'm dying of starvation"
Treatment • This condition is alleviated by consuming food or canned drinks.
Effects -1 Health per second
-0.5% Blood per second
Status text Starving


Thirst transitions through three stages: light dehydration, moderate dehydration and severe dehydration.

Light dehydration[]

Causes • Water below 2000
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "I'm thirsty" "I feel thirsty" "I need a drink" "I feel like having a drink" "I want to drink something"
Treatment • This condition is alleviated by consuming drinks or some types of food.
Effects None
Status text Thirsty

Moderate dehydration[]

Causes • Water below 1000
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "I really need to drink"
Treatment • This condition is alleviated by consuming drinks or some types of food.
Effects None
Status text Thirsty

Severe dehydration[]

Causes • Water below 0
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "I'm dying of dehydration"
Treatment • This condition is alleviated by consuming drinks or some types of food.
Effects -5 Health per second
-1% Blood per second
Status text Thirsty


Pain is a condition caused by moderate or serious injury and characterized by involuntary shaking. Being in pain makes it difficult to aim in first-person.

Causes • Any injury can cause pain
Symptoms • Shaking screen in first-person and unsteady aim
Treatment Painkillers
Effects None
Status text None

Broken leg[]

A broken leg is a condition caused by serious damage to the legs. Having a broken leg prevents walk or crouching movement and limits the players movement to crawling only.

Causes • Falling, zombie attacks, or hits to the legs
Symptoms • Prone movement only
Treatment Morphine auto-injectorSplint
Effects None
Status text None


When the player's character is fully fed and watered, they will begin to regenerate blood or health. There are three stages of healing: light regeneration, moderate regeneration and healing. The quickest method of getting to the light regeneration/healing stage is to eat a whole bag of rice, giving a total of 3,740 energy, and to drink from a water source 40 times to gain a total of 4,000 water which also replaces the 1,000 water lost from eating the rice.

Light regeneration[]

Causes • Energy above 3,500 and water above 3,000
Symptoms None
Treatment Not applicable
Effects +1 Blood per second
Status text None

Moderate regeneration[]

Causes • Energy above 5,000 and water above 2,500
Symptoms None
Treatment Not applicable
Effects +3 Blood per second
Status text None


Causes • Energy above 5,000, water above 2,500 and blood at 5,000
Symptoms None
Treatment Not applicable
Effects +3 Health per second
Status text Healing


Being stuffed is caused by consuming more food or drinks than the character's stomach can contain. There are three stages of being stuffed: stuffed, fully stuffed and vomiting.


Causes • Stomach capacity over 2,500
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "My stomach feels stuffed" "I feel really full" "My stomach feels completely full"
Treatment Not applicable
Effects None
Status text None

Fully stuffed[]

Causes • Stomach capacity over 3,500
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "My stomach feels absolutely stuffed" "I feel over-fed" "My stomach feels much more than it's normal"
Treatment Not applicable
Effects None
Status text None


Causes • Stomach capacity over 3900
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "I am close to vomiting" "I think I'm going to vomit..." "I'm going to vomit..."
Treatment Not applicable
Effects -500 stomach
-600 energy (100 minimal)
-1,000 water
Status text Sick

Foot injury[]

A foot injury is caused by walking or running without wearing shoes. Moving over different terrain deals different amounts of damage to the feet as well as the movement speed. Wearing shoes negates some damage at the expense of their condition. There are two stages of foot injury: sore and injured.


Causes • Moving without wearing or moving with ruined shoes
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "My feet hurt" "My feet are sore"
Treatment Find and change shoes
Effects None
Status text None


Causes • Moving without wearing shoes for a prolonged period
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "My feet are badly damaged" "My feet are bleeding" "My feet hurt badly"
Treatment Unknown
Effects None
Status text None


Unconsciousness is caused by either shock or lack of blood. There is only one stage of unconsciousness. Shock is caused by damage to the head, which can be negated by wearing protective headgear like helmets.

Causes • Shock level above blood level • Blood below 500
Symptoms Screen is black and there is no control of character.
Treatment • Injection of epinephrine via an Epi-pen (If cause was shock) • Transfusion of blood or saline (if cause was lack of blood)
Effects Unconsciousness: Screen is black and there is no control of character.
Status text None

Food poisoning[]

Food poisoning a potentially life threatening condition that has up to six stages based on the severity. Food poisoning typically occurs by consuming rotten food, but may also occur from consuming the contents of an alcohol tincture.

Stage one[]

Causes • (minor) 50% chance by consuming rotten food • 75% chance by consuming alcohol tinctures • (moderate) 5% chance by consuming rotten food • 20% chance by consuming alcohol tinctures
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "I have a funny taste in my mouth" "My mouth tastes funny" "I notice a weird taste" "My mouth tastes weird"
Treatment • Consuming charcoal tablets will instantly cure minor and moderate food poisoning.
Effects None
Status text None

Stage two[]

Causes • (minor) 50% chance by consuming rotten food • 75% chance by consuming alcohol tinctures • (moderate) 5% chance by consuming rotten food • 20% chance by consuming alcohol tinctures
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: (minor, moderate and severe) "I feel nauseous" "I feel queasy" "I feel like throwing up"
Treatment • Consuming charcoal tablets will instantly cure minor and moderate food poisoning.
Effects Minor: -13.3% Water per second
Moderate: -13.6% Water per second and -0.2% Blood per second
Severe: -19.5% Water per second and -0.3% Blood per second
Status text Sick

Stage three[]

Causes • (minor) 50% chance by consuming rotten food • 75% chance by consuming alcohol tinctures • (moderate) 5% chance by consuming rotten food • 20% chance by consuming alcohol tinctures
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: (minor) "I feel dizzy" "I feel light-headed" "I feel faint" "I feel unsteady" (moderate and severe) "I am close to vomiting" "I think I'm going to vomit..." "I'm going to vomit..."
Treatment • Consuming charcoal tablets will instantly cure minor and moderate food poisoning.
Effects Minor: -13.6% Water per second and -0.1% Blood per second
Moderate / Severe: Vomiting: -500 stomach, -600 energy and -1,000 water
Status text Sick

Stage four[]

Causes • (minor) 50% chance by consuming rotten food • 75% chance by consuming alcohol tinctures • (moderate) 5% chance by consuming rotten food • 20% chance by consuming alcohol tinctures
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: (moderate) "I feel dizzy" "I feel light-headed" "I feel faint" "I feel unsteady" (severe) "I feel cramps in my stomach"
Treatment • Consuming charcoal tablets will instantly cure minor and moderate food poisoning.
Effects Moderate: -14.3% water per second and -0.1% Blood per second
Severe: -26% Water per second and -0.2% Blood per second
Status text Sick

Stage five[]

Causes • (minor) 50% chance by consuming rotten food • 75% chance by consuming alcohol tinctures • (moderate) 5% chance by consuming rotten food • 20% chance by consuming alcohol tinctures
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: (moderate) "I feel tired" "I feel run-down" "I feel worn-out" (severe) "I am close to vomiting" "I think I'm going to vomit..." "I'm going to vomit..."
Treatment • Consuming charcoal tablets will instantly cure minor and moderate food poisoning.
Effects Severe: Vomiting: -500 Stomach, -600 Energy and -1,000 Water
Status text

Stage six[]

Causes • (minor) 50% chance by consuming rotten food • 75% chance by consuming alcohol tinctures • (moderate) 5% chance by consuming rotten food • 20% chance by consuming alcohol tinctures
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "I feel exhausted" "I feel extremely tired"
Treatment • Consuming charcoal tablets will instantly cure minor and moderate food poisoning.
Effects Severe: -19.5% Water per second
Status text Severe: Sick

Chemical poisoning[]

Chemical poisoning is comparable to severe food poisoning. There are six stages and a high chance of mortality. Chemical poisoning is typically caused by consuming disinfectant spray and eating poisonous berries (In the latest update, eating poisonous berries causes chemical food poisoning effects, not food poisoning effects.)

Stage one[]

Causes • Consuming disinfectant spray, eating poisonous berries
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: (minor) "I have a funny taste in my mouth" "My mouth tastes funny" "I notice a weird taste" "My mouth tastes weird"
Treatment It is possible (though not guaranteed) that you can survive chemical poisoning even if the illness seems to be progressing and your screen loses all its color.

1. Drink water from a well until you vomit. If the "Sick" status marker doesn't disappear, vomit again until it does.

2. At this point the underlying illness might not be resolved. Over time you might again see messages about feeling queasy, exhausted, etc. If so, and especially if the "Sick" marker re-appears, find a well and vomit again.

3. As a general good practice, try to remain well nourished and hydrated between episodes of the illness.

It's confirmed that survival is possible without antibiotics.

It's likely, but not yet confirmed, that survival is possible without charcoal tablets or vitamins.

Effects None
Status text Sick

Stage two[]

Causes • Consuming disinfectant spray, eating poisonous berries
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "I feel nauseous" "I feel queasy" "I feel like throwing up"
Treatment See "Stage one".
Effects -26% Water per second, -0.5% Blood per second and -0.5% Health per second
Status text Sick

Stage three[]

Causes • Consuming disinfectant spray, eating poisonous berries
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "I'm close to vomiting" "I think I'm going to vomit..." "I'm going to vomit..."
Treatment See "Stage one".
Effects Vomiting: -500 Stomach, -600 Energy and -1,000 Water
Status text Sick

Stage four[]

Causes • Consuming disinfectant spray, eating poisonous berries
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "I feel cramps in my stomach"
Treatment See "Stage one".
Effects -39% Water per second, -0.3% Blood per second and -0.3% Health per second
Status text Sick

Stage five[]

Causes • Consuming disinfectant spray, eating poisonous berries
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "I'm close to vomiting" "I think I'm going to vomit..." "I'm going to vomit..."
Treatment See "Stage one".
Effects Vomiting: -500 Stomach, -600 Energy and -1,000 Water
Status text Sick

Stage six[]

Causes • Consuming disinfectant spray, eating poisonous berries
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "I feel exhausted" "I feel extremely tired"
Treatment See "Stage one".
Effects -26% Water per second and -0.1% Blood per second
Status text Sick

Hemolytic reaction[]

A hemolytic reaction is a severe reaction to receiving a blood transfusion of incompatible blood types. Hemolytic reactions are extremely dangerous and have a 100% mortality. There are four stages of increasing severity.

Be sure to confirm blood type compatibility before performing a blood transfusion. A saline transfusion is a safer option as there is no risk of incompatibility or side effects.

Stage one[]

Causes • Blood transfusion of incompatible blood
Symptoms None
Treatment Unknown
Effects -10% Blood per second
Status text Sick

Stage two[]

Causes • Blood transfusion of incompatible blood
Symptoms None
Treatment Unknown
Effects -20% Blood per second
Status text Sick

Stage three[]

Causes • Blood transfusion of incompatible blood
Symptoms None
Treatment Unknown
Effects -25% Blood per second
Status text Sick

Stage four[]

Causes • Blood transfusion of incompatible blood
Symptoms Death
Treatment possibly a blood transfusion to extend your life before your die
Effects -5,000 Blood
Status text Sick

Infected wound[]

An infected wound has a 15-20% chance of developing when using a leather sewing kit or regular sewing kit to stitch bleeding wounds Infected wounds pose a significant threat to a character's health. An infected wound will go through four stages.

Stage one[]

Causes • 20% chance by zombie attack
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "My wounds are ichy" • "I have ichy wounds"
Treatment • Apply alcohol tincture to infected wound • Alternatively, consume tetracycline antibiotics
Effects -13.6% Water per second
Status text Sick

Stage two[]

Causes • Developed from stage one
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "My wounds are infected" • "I have infected wounds"
Treatment • Apply alcohol tincture to infected wound • Alternatively, consume tetracycline antibiotics
Effects -16.9% Water per second, -0.3% Blood per second and -0.1% Health per second
Status text Sick

Stage three[]

Causes • Developed from stage two
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "My wounds are seriously infected" • "I have seriously infected wounds" • "I'm feeling hot" • "It's really warm"
Treatment • Apply alcohol tincture to infected wound • Alternatively, consume tetracycline antibiotics
Effects -19.5% Water per second, -0.1% Blood per second and -0.3% Health per second
Status text Sick

Stage four[]

Causes • Developed from stage three
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "My wounds hurt less" • "My wounds looks cleaner"
Treatment • Apply alcohol tincture to infected wound • Alternatively, consume tetracycline antibiotics
Effects -16.9% Water per second
Status text Sick

Brain flu[]

Brain flu is a very serious and almost always fatal condition that has a 1% chance of occurring by being hit by a zombie. There are four stages: minor sickness, sickness, fever and terminal. There is currently no known cure and the final stage continues indefinitely until the player dies. It is worth noting that one of the effects is a negative shock value in the two later stages. This seems to no longer be possible to contract.

Minor sickness[]

Causes • 1% chance by zombie attack
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "I cough" "I sneeze"
Treatment Unknown
Effects -13% Water per second
Status text Sick


Causes • Advancing from minor sickness stage
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "I cough" "I sneeze" "I feel my nose dripping" "My nose feels congested" "I have a runny nose" "My throat is sore" "I feel sore throat "My throat hurts"
Treatment Unknown
Effects -26% Water per second, -0.3% Blood per second and -0.1% Health per second
Status text Sick


Causes • Advancing from sickness stage
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "I'm feeling hot" "I'm burning up" "I'm slick with sweat" "My clothes are soaking with sweat" "I feel cold" "I start to shiver" "I feel shivery" "I'm shivering"
Treatment Unknown
Effects -26% Water per second, -0.5% Blood per second, -1 Health per second and -1 Shock per second
Status text Fever


Causes • Advancing from fever stage
Symptoms • Status effect messages in the bottom right: "I'm feeling hot" "I'm burning up" "I'm slick with sweat" "My clothes are soaking with sweat" "I feel cold" "I start to shiver" "I feel shivery" "I'm shivering"
Treatment Unknown
Effects -52% Water per second, -1% Blood per second, -5% Health per second and -5 Shock per second
Status text Fever

Cloth effects[]


Causes • Walking on wet ground and in water.
Symptoms • Point at the cloth in inventory it will be a blue message says "Damp"
Treatment Movement, keeping warm, creating a fire, sheltering from rain, staying out of bodies of water.
Effects Causes the player to lose body heat and become cold faster. (Possible degradation of items.)
Status text "My clothes are wet"


Causes • Being in the rain for an extended period of time
Symptoms • Point at the cloth in inventory it will be a blue message says "Soaked"
Treatment Movement, keeping warm, creating a fire, sheltering from rain, staying out of bodies of water.
Effects Causes the player to lose body heat and become cold faster. (Possible degradation of items.)
Status text "My clothes are completely soaked through"